MOVING SALE: Ping Pong table, Rowing machine, Weight bench + weights, Exercise bike Sports Gear & Equipment (FS & LF)

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Old 12-02-2010
good2go good2go is offline
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Arrow Topic: MOVING SALE: Ping Pong table, Rowing machine, Weight bench + weights, Exercise bike

MOVING SALE: Ping Pong table, Rowing machine, Weight bench + weights, Exercise bike

Check out my other ads as well -- many items for sale
(anything not sold will be donated to the Salvation Army next week)

- Stationary bike (about 15 years old) -- I think it was bought at Sears
Price: $40 or you can make an offer

Update - More details: I forgot to mention that the bike also has an electronic component (which uses batteries). The categories on it are:


For the pulse, there's a little clip-on thing you can put on your finger while you bike, so that it tracks your pulse.

The handles also adjust up or down (by rotating).

A couple of photos:


- "Rowing machine"
Price: $40 or you can make an offer

It's hard to describe, but it's sort of a like a 1980s version of the Bowflex type of system... and when flat on the floor, it works as a rowing machine.

It has a long rectangular seat that you can either sit on or lie back on, and it can be put on an incline. And you can either face the "machine" and pull (like rowing) or if you face away from it, then it's like pulling something behind you forward.


- Weightlifting bench and some weights
Price: $50 or you can make an offer

About ~20 years old. The bench is dismantled right now, but I'd say this is basically what it looks like:

...except I think the bottom has the half-loop like this:


Ping pong table:
Price: $75 or you can make an offer

- It's 20+ years old, but still works fine

- It's the standard size

- It also folds up for easy storage & transport

We've kept it in the garage, and there's not enough room to unfold it right now... so the photos below just show it folded up. But it's basically fine, except being dusty and some superficial rust on the steel (inevitable with age... can see it in the photos). Also, some ping pong tables let you push one side up so that it's vertical, and you can hit the ball against it (like a 1-player mode). I don't think this can do that if it's in the middle of a room, but I think it can if you have that side of the table up against the wall.


(for all of the above items)

Price: Open to offers. Can give a bit of a discount if you take more than 1 item (see my other ads for other items).

Timing: Some items can be bought on Sunday (Dec 5). Others might still have things on them or in them, in which case they could be picked up on Monday or possibly Wednesday. Pickup on Thursday *might* be okay, but I think we would need to get a payment or partial payment earlier in the week.

Location / Pickup:
Must pickup... located near Rothesay High School

Please send a PM and/or email for more info and pictures


Last edited by good2go; 12-07-2010 at 07:05 AM..
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Old 12-04-2010
good2go good2go is offline
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Default Topic: MOVING SALE: Ping Pong table, Rowing machine, Weight bench + weights, Exercise bike

UPDATE (Dec 4): I've added photos for a couple of items. If you click the small photos, large photos will load. And I'll add photos for more items tomorrow.

Here are links to all of my current ads:

MOVING SALE: Many items for sale! Useful stuff! (pretty much all still being used)

MOVING SALE: Ping Pong table, Rowing machine, Weight bench + weights, Exercise bike

MOVING SALE: Monitors + Printers + Scanners for sale (low prices/free)

Huffy Basketball Pole & Net for sale (the mobile type with wheels)--or for other stuff / scrap metal

Some other items that will be in a new ad (will post tonight):

- a 10 gallon fish tank with gravel and filter
- another shelf/bookcase/cabinet unit
- old phones
- maybe some toys/games
- misc other things

Last edited by good2go; 12-04-2010 at 11:18 PM..
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Old 12-06-2010
good2go good2go is offline
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Default Topic: MOVING SALE: Ping Pong table, Rowing machine, Weight bench + weights, Exercise bike

Update: You can come by today before 9:30pm or tomorrow before 3pm if you would like to buy anything.

We also have some other things for free - check my other ads (linked above)

Please email or send a PM for info

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Old 12-07-2010
good2go good2go is offline
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Default Topic: MOVING SALE: Ping Pong table, Rowing machine, Weight bench + weights, Exercise bike

Update: Added some prices above (pretty flexible on them too).

Will also post pics of the rowing machine + weights this morning
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