View Full Version : My new fur baby.....PUPPY INFO

02-05-2007, 12:12 PM
Since the topic has been touched on lately about how much work new pet's can be I was thinking I would post about my new fur baby for anyone considering to adopt a puppy !
We decided to adopt a puppy, after TONS of research online...#1 thing I would suggest to anyone thinking to adopt !! Read, read .. read ! Every type of dog has a different temperament and may also train different than other dogs....read about the dogs needs and likes...will they do well in apartments if you have one ? Are they high energy and do they need lots of 1 on 1 time ? Many puppy/dog owners think they have a bad dog on their hands but some just get lonely and board very easy and when left alone get into trouble to amuse themselves ! Do you really have time ? Pups and dogs do require alot of work....my puppy is 5 months old and I have a baby and a pre schooler and the pup is one of the kids with just as many needs daily :) ....she needs to be taken out every couple hours.....needs to be feed on schedule......make sure she always has water.......give her play time, keep her groomed.......train her and teach her the rules of the house and crate training...like a child she has doctor appointments....first needles...her worm meds ( side note ) worms can be VERY serious to children and most pups are born with worms sooo anyone getting a pup and in particular with children need tp get the needles and worm meds.......than pup has second set of needles before you know it, it's time to get your animal fixed. Having your pet spayed or neutered does cost money BUT the reward is endless...you stop the possibility of pups, you get an animal with a much better temperament for the family AND there are many health benefits to your dog for life !
With our pup I am training her using preventative training which means she's with me right now all the time and she doesn't get in much trouble because I'm with her to teach her right from wrong...I must say she's a perfect little girl !! lol
Pup's love a little reward when teaching !! My pup has learned....paw...lay down....high five and sit in just two weeks using a small piece of food or plan cheerios...They say to get your pup to pee or poo outside don't use treats because this is an expected thing so instead give TONS of praise when your pup poo's or pee's outside...they LOVE and LIVE to make us proud and happy so praise works better than anything !! Simple commands work great like NO......STAY......OUT......BED....they are smart and will get what your saying !!
I feel that many people give away their pups after the cute, small puppy age because they didn't expect the high demand a puppy needs so that's why I can't say research your pet enough !! As adorable a breed may be, that type may just not fit your situation, bottom line....the Internet itself offers such a wealth of information that it makes it really easy for perspective pet owners to get to know alot about their new pet before it even enters their home !!
That's all I can fit in during the babies nap, I was thinking I would share a little of my info on what has worked for me as I spent many nights after my boys went to bed reading !!
Good luck !!

02-05-2007, 12:59 PM
That's what we're talking about..
and Now that is what we like to hear:D

Great info sjres, Kudos to you..

02-05-2007, 01:25 PM
More than anything I just wanted to pass along some info I found to help !
Before this pup I had a dog for 8 yrs...his mommy died having him so from the get go he needed to be hand fed...we had to put him down a few months back do to cancer and it was VERY hard !!
I think that many people just really don't realize the responsibilty....we see adult dogs and they seem pretty easy going and we just don't always think.. that just like a child they need all the guidance and trainning and attention. Also it's really important to consider the breed...my old dog was low energy and wanted to sleep and this one is nothing like that..had I not did any reading I would have been completly blind sided lol