View Full Version : hi all i have a question

01-10-2008, 12:42 PM
i've been bleeding none stop sence i had my son and he's now 11 months old. i alawys feel sick to my stomach so i went to my doctor about and all she's done so far is switch my birth control pills. i also ended up at the hospital to about it and all th.ey said to me was to get my doctor to get an ultersound done because they thought my tubes are inflamed. iwent to my doctor and she says nothing is worng with me and that i'm just stress out from having a baby for the first time. does any body have any sugestion ?

01-10-2008, 01:27 PM
Go back to your doctor and tell her you want an ultrasound, dont take no for an answer

01-10-2008, 01:47 PM
Demand proper care.. This is rediculous .. So many people suffering because of doctors stupidity..

Yes demand an ultrasound.. if they wont give you one.. go to the hospital and tell them you dont have a family doctor.. and need help ASAP!