View Full Version : Disgusted with this woman

09-09-2007, 10:28 AM
A friend of mine works in a large retail store. She has one of those jobs that has 5oo different aspects, which she handles with courtesy.

This has been one rough week for her. The last straw being a very ignorant &digusting customer. And I think even those words can not describe what she is!
I feel furious for my friend...this "lady" wanted to return some items after having them for a year and a half.
She wanted her money back.
Well, after a year and a half, there wouldnt be any warranty if they were defective ( they were'nt, she just didint like them any more) . She was beyond the money back as well as a refund back.

She got upset with my friend, packed up her "items" and said to my friend.."I hope your children die of cancer!"

now, what kind of human would EVER wish that kind of curse on anyone?? What kind of person could orwould ever be so cruel, to not even have the common sense or courtesy never to utter such horrid words?
If by chance that person is reading this, you are a cruel and inhumane to utter such things to another human being. You should beg her for forgiveness and get some very intense counseling sessions right away!

09-09-2007, 10:49 AM
i agree with you on this puppyluv. words well said.

09-09-2007, 10:54 AM
I have always worked in retail, the comment that lady made was horrible to say the least. I once had a lady order timbits, yes I am a timmies girl, and ask for no coconut because her son was deathly allergic. I told her even though she would receive no coconut, there was no guarantee the others hadn't been in contact with nuts. I was worried about the "deadly allergic" thing, she told me her son was only 3. Well instead of being grateful, she grabbed the box out of my hand and said, "Well, they haven't killed him yet!" Some people just have no consideration or respect, I hope your friend is okay:D

09-09-2007, 10:55 AM
That is probably one of the sickest things i've ever heard of coming from a customer. I hope your friend didn't take it hard

09-09-2007, 05:34 PM
That's the most horrid thing I've ever heard

09-09-2007, 05:50 PM
Having worked the retail buisiness for years, I know it well, but I can honestly say that is the worst thing that I have ever heard. I hope your friend is ok and the so called "lady" that said it....I don't know how she can get up in the morning and look at herself in the mirror....without pure "horror"

09-10-2007, 07:39 AM
I work in the industry and have never heard something as disgusting as that.. My mouth literally dropped when I read it..I am in shock..

09-10-2007, 08:25 AM
That is terrible!! I can't even believe someone would even THINK something like that...but to say it.....!! I have worked in the food industry for over 5 years now and I can't believe the way some people act. I have had people tell me "they will get me fired" countless times. We have even had people say they were gonna kill us at work! We have had people come to the store as we were closing and bang on the doors and windows....as if we would unlock them. It is crazy how some people act over stupid petty things that don't matter.

09-10-2007, 12:08 PM
Lots of times in my years at hotels I had my personality, size, behaviour etc used as fodder for a guest to insult me, as in "how can you just stand there and stare like an idiot", I've been called a liar, I have had coworkers threatened with injury etc (although I never have, I think I scare some people LOL) and I think I have even had people malign my upbringing as in "your parents should be ashamed to have raised you to be rude like this" but never have I ever had anyone wish harm on any children I may have. Pick on me, yell about my company's mistakes, complain about my employers policies, my hotels faults, flaws and failings, call me fat, lazy, stupid or unprofessional, yes, if that's how you feel and need to get it out, by all means. But to wish death, and a dragged-out painful death at that, to a child? That is so far into the realm of NO I can't even imagine. Lots of times I have met or known people that I privately had thoughts like "I hope they never reproduce" or people that I was sort of sorry that children had to be brought up by THEM, but as far out in left field and politically incorrect, jaded, harsh, intellectually elitist and impatient as I know myself to be, I never would wish living children to cease to be.

09-10-2007, 05:29 PM

09-10-2007, 08:48 PM
WOW I cant believe someone would say that. I makes me sad that there are people out there like that. I hope she get the helps she needs and understands how she acted and begs for forgiveness.

09-19-2007, 08:10 PM
I've done my share in retail over the years and had to "stand and take it with a smile" many times. And for years I've waited for the oportunity to be the next in line in a situation like to so I could tell the ignorant bastards where to go.

You don't really realize how many morons there are in society unless you've worked retail/customer service.

09-20-2007, 08:05 AM
I worked at a local pizza place. I have put up with a lot of nasty customers over the years. I have been threatened so many times. Anyway, one day these 2 men came in. Apparently the night before they placed an order,had it delivered and didn't receive their pop. Well when they came in one of them had a chip on his shoulder big time! He stormed in there and told me what happened...yelling the entire time. I told him that he needed to calm down and to stop yelling and swearing at me and that I would be able to help him. Well he didn't like that I "talked" back at him. He said he didn't want to deal with a woman and told me to go away and that he would talk to a man that worked there. I told him that I was the supervisor on that shift and that he would have to speak to me as I was the only one that could help him. He continued to yell and curse and at that point I asked him to leave the store. He refused and continued on! I asked him again to leave. He didn't. He wanted the owners home #. I told him I was not going to give him the #. I told him that he could leave his name and # and I would have the owner call him. Or he could come back in the next day and speak with the owner. He continued to yell and threaten me...that he was gonna get me fired...blah blah. I told him that if he didn't leave the store that I was going to call the police. Eventually after he realized that I was standing my ground, he left. A woman who had been sitting in the dining room came right up to me and gave me her name and number and told me that she wanted the owner to call her as she had seen what has happened and was worried that I was going to get in trouble and she wanted to tell him that I had done nothing wrong. Just goes to show that some customers really do care. And some get way to upset over stupid things....a pop for goodness sakes!!

09-20-2007, 09:56 AM
Wow.. I apologize for this customer.. on behalf of the human race.. Is this "lady/Thing" is even part of it!