View Full Version : Weight Problem

06-23-2007, 05:52 PM
I have A BIG weight problem . I had My son 6 months ago , with a C- Section. Before i found out i was preg . i was 105 pounds. I'm short lol I'm like 5 feet even . i was into a size 00 - 03 . My doctor said i was a healthy weight for my height . when i had my son i was 174 pounds. i am currently 10 weeks preg again! and I'm about 147 pounds . with a big belly . i was told it would take along time to back to my pre pregnancy weight and for my belly to get back to the shape it was! now that i am preg again . what can i do to lose weight but not too much weight . i walk every wheres , drink a lot of water , eat healthy ! i don't know what to do ?

06-24-2007, 04:08 PM
IMO you shouldn't try to lose weight at all during pregnancy. You can try to stay within a good range of weight gain for this pregnancy (25-35lbs) and then deal with it after you have your baby.
with my first i gained 60 lbs, i'm pregnant with my 2nd now, due in July and i've only put on 26 lbs, so just because you gained that much the first time doesnt mean you will this time. do what you have to to keep yourself and the baby healthy and congratulations :)

06-24-2007, 06:11 PM
yeah i wouldn't worry to much about your weight, because with two kids to look after you will be burning away the fat and calories in the run of a day. trust me i have a horse and a 3 year old niece to look after and i have lost a tone of weight

06-25-2007, 02:21 PM
Just came back to add;
have you called public health? They have a nutritionist you can see for free, if you havn't seen her give them a call.