View Full Version : Fair Compensation for the homeowners in Mispec

05-03-2007, 11:02 PM

I just wanted to mention that there is only two days left to add your voice to the fight for fair compensation for the home owners in the Mispec area who would like to move away from the soon to be built refinery.

You can watch a news article here

This is not an attempt to stop the proposed refinery but rather to insure fair market value for the homeowners who wish to move away.

Here is what you have to do:

Please copy and paste the below paragraph and feel free to personalize your email and send it to these two addresses:

EIA-EIE@gnb.ca (Environmental Impact Assessment)

There are other project in the works so the subject line should be:
Eider Rock Project.

Here is the paragraph
I believe the way the Eider Rock project will impact Mispec residents living beyond the proposed refinery (from the bridge to the lighthouse) should be considered in the environmental impact assessment.

These residents will have to drive through a dangerous industrial zone that will be developed on both sides of Red Head Rd, to get to their homes everyday. In addition, these residents will have no safe passage in the event of an emergency, because they live on a dead-end road and the proposed refinery will cut off the only way out.

One more thing, if you can spread the word and get more ppl to do this, it would be great.

Thank you!