View Full Version : Toddlers & this Stomach Virus

04-18-2007, 07:23 AM
I had stopped feeding my babies all milk products for the past couple of days seeing as how it seems to curdle in their belly and was making them sick. Three days went by and no vomitting. My youngest was crying very loudly for milk yesterday and it really was hurting me :p I watered down some milk and gave it to him.

He awoke last night sick to his tummy. He threw up all the milk and some pasta from supper.

I am getting frustrated, is anyone going through the same thing? A good friend of mine is, but I haven't talked to her lately to see if she reintroduced the milk products and how her daughter was doing.

The doctor does not seem concerned as they have no high temp and are keeping down most things. I am starting to get concerned because it has been ongoing. My nan is in the hospital because of this or something similar.

In total I have gone through almost an entire extra box of Tide washing puke off of clothing and bedding. It's not the money, but wow that's a lot of puke. It was not all once, but over a couple weeks. :( I have had enough! lol

04-18-2007, 08:02 PM
An isaintjohn angel Pm'ed me and suggested I try soy milk. Well the light went on! I am going to try that tomorrow. I am kind of feeling silly for not thinking of this myself!

Thanks again for the "revelation" so to speak lol.